Claim Form Login

If you received Notice of this settlement, the Settlement Administrator identified you as a Class Member who may have been involved in the Data Incident and were notified by Charter Foods North, LLC and/or Charter Foods, Inc. that your Private Information may have been impacted as a result of the Data Incident. You may submit a claim for settlement compensation, outlined below.

Please refer to the Long Form Notice for more information on submitting a Claim Form.

To receive benefits from this settlement, you must submit a Claim Form by June 5, 2025.

You may submit a claim for one or both following benefits:

  1. Compensation for Documented Out-of-Pocket Losses: The Settlement Class Member may submit a claim for a Settlement Payment of up to $5,000 for reimbursement in the form of a Documented Loss Payment. To receive a Documented Loss Payment, a Settlement Class Member must choose to do so on their given Claim Form and submit to the Settlement Administrator the following: (i) a valid Claim Form electing to receive the Documented Loss Payment benefit; (ii) an attestation regarding any actual and unreimbursed Documented Loss; and (iii) reasonable documentation that demonstrates the Documented Loss to be reimbursed pursuant to the terms of the Settlement; AND/OR

  2. Pro Rata Cash Payment: Following the distribution of Administrative Expenses, Service Awards, Out-of-Pocket Expense Claims, Attorneys’ Fees and Class Counsel’s Litigation Expenses, the Settlement Administrator will make a pro rata cash payment from the remaining Settlement fund to each Class Member who submits a valid claim, as determined by the Settlement Administrator in accordance with the Settlement Agreement or, if applicable, the dispute resolution process therein, so long as the funds are available.

To start your online claim form, you can find your Unique ID and PIN on the Notice that was sent to you. If you are unable to locate your Unique ID and PIN, please contact us by emailing You will be asked to provide the Class Member’s full name and mailing address.

You may also download a Claim Form here, and submit it by mail to address below. Please type or legibly print all requested information, in blue or black ink. Mail your completed Claim Form, including any supporting documentation, by U.S. mail to:

Charter Foods Data Breach Incident
PO Box 25226
Santa Ana, CA 92799